Moody Month's LA Launch was hosted by Clare Vivier and Crystal Meers at the Clare V HQ Tuesday evening. The event kicked off with a panel discussion moderated by Moody Month's Co-Founder and CEO, Amy Thomson with an all-star panel including Erica Chidi Cohen, Founder of LOOM, Author of Nurture and Doula; Dr. Suzanne Gilberg-Lenz, Board Certified OBGYN Integrative Medical Doctor; and Lola Ross, Co-Founder of Moody Month and registered nutritional therapist.
The discussion was not only personal but also incredibly eye-opening when it comes to how little we actually do know about our bodies. The biggest takeaway was that there is such shame and guilt attached to our fluctuating moods and feeling like we are simply not in control. Moody Month aims to provide a basic understanding of what to expect from each of the four phases.
The 'hustle every day' mentality is actually counterproductive for women given the fluctuation of hormones. There are times in the month that women are actually scientifically proven to be better versions of themselves, especially if they look inward and slow down. Everyone on the panel's mission in life is to empower all women to better understand their own bodies in order to really capitalize on the many benefits the different phases have to offer.