Born in Hong Kong, raised in England, and now living in Los Angeles, you can call Didi Wong a worldly and cultured woman. She is the definition of a true entrepreneur.
Didi’s work as an angel investor and venture capitalist and expertise in startups, public speaking, producing and mentoring earns her the title of serial entrepreneur. In fact, Didi was awarded the highest level of achievement of the “Women of the Decade for Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital” from the Women Economic Forum. She’s also an international multiple award-winning keynote speaker, Hollywood Film & TV Producer, business mentor, best-selling author, devoted wife, and mother of four.
What are your habits and routines that help you be successful? Spirituality comes into play when it comes to habits. It doesn’t have to revolve around God, though I do believe in God. Spirituality means having a deeper desire and belief, as well as having faith in yourself. To do this, every day, I wake up, and before I even open my eyes, I smile and am grateful for a new day. It’s not exactly prayer. It’s just a quick thought in my mind. A thank you, God, for allowing me to look at my beautiful baby or my husband next to me. The inner workings of my thoughts and habits are always in gratitude. It’s almost like meditation, and some people may even call it affirmations, but it’s just a gratitude routine for me. You don't have to put a ton of time into it, but it’s on my mind all day long.
How do you wake up motivated to work every day? Motivation comes in truly wanting a better world for my family, for the people I want to impact as well as for the world. That is my motivation every single day. But keep in mind, it’s okay to have an off day. You’re allowed not to be motivated sometimes. The difference is whether it’s a once-in-a-while thing or an everyday thing. It’s a skill to know when to stop because if you don’t have time to enjoy and have fun, what are you working for?
Do you have any advice for someone looking to become an entrepreneur? Surround yourself with positive people, who support you, and care for what you believe in. And always be intentional with who you give your time to. Make sure you bring your energy into everything you do. Make your conversations stay positive and try to remove all negativity from your life. This is really how I built my name and success so quickly in such a short time.
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