Digital Marketing Partnership Recap

GreenGale partnered with Guestbook to promote their Ultimate Travel Giveaway promotion. The program ran in June 2016 and served to generate awareness for The Guestbook among GreenGale's affluent and culturally-astute audience, as well as generate entries to the competition.

GreenGale utilized our robust digital platforms to promote the program, which included the following:
• Run of site advertising on all 11 of GreenGale's titles 
• Dedicated email blasts in 4 markets
• E-newsletter placement in all markets
• High-impact pop-up banner ads 



Guestbook was provided with 1 month of ROS advertising on all 11 of GreenGale's sites. This included: 

 - High impact top leaderboard
 - Interstitial leaderboard
 - 300x250 medium rectangle
 - 300x600 large rectangle
 - High-impact pop-up banner ads


The ROS program obtained 1,045,463 impressions between June 1st 2016 and June 30th 2016, with 1,141 clicks for a CTR of .11%


Dedicated email blasts

Guestbook received 4 dedicated email blasts , sent to our high value, opt-in subscribers on our Ocean Drive, Vegas, Gotham, and Los Angeles Confidential lists. Using a unique 'click to enter' program where users aren't required to enter details to be entered, we were able to provide Guestbook with a larger amount of emails for entries and promotional use than would have otherwise been possible.


7,321 impressions were gained from sending 56,234 emails, giving an open rate of 13%.


Guestbook was provided with 1,040 email addresses from dedicated email blasts. With an industry standard of each email being worth approximately $50 to a marketer, this represents a 10x return on investment. 


ENewsletter placement

Guestbook was provided with promotional edit or top leaderboard placement in all markets in the month of June in GreenGale's e-newsletters, sent to high value, opt-in subscribers.


E-newsletters in the month of June 2016 generated 13,189 impressions from 89,729 sends, giving an open rate of 14.6%
