
4 Questions With Leading Crypto Trader Elias Nickolaos

By Karishhma Ashwin By Karishhma Ashwin | April 7, 2021 | Culture, People, Sponsored Post,

Elias Nickolaos is a model, photographer, entrepreneur, and avid crypt trader. In this Q and A he shares his experience and offers tips for young aspirants like him.


How did you get interested in cryptocurrency? Well, it’s something that excited me and made me become more responsible towards money. I started in 2017 with heavily investing in crypto and since then have gone on to create and own several stock portfolios which I manage myself.

What does 2021 look like for the crypto market? It looks as it always has – unpredictable yet full of potential although I do think that emerging markets will open up towards crypto more than before.

Do you have any suggestions for someone starting out? I would tell them to do their research about crypto, especially beyond what they hear their friends say. It’s always exciting to jump at something new, especially if your peers are involved, but it’ll stand one in good stead if one studies the market to the best of one’s ability before creating portfolios or making investments.

What have you learned from your mistakes as a crypto trader? Well, for one I understood pretty quickly how volatile this market it and if you don’t know where you stand in terms of what you expect, current economic trends, market mood, etc, you’ll be swept away in crypto’s raging market current. I have also learned that some of the oldest work traditions hold their ground firmly when it comes to a modern approach to business and money, like being careful and patient.

Crypto is making the world re-think and re-look at the way it interacts with money. Although still in its initial stages, it’ll be interesting to see how far the young are willing to go with crypto trading.

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